Robotic Mowers

The demand for residential autonomous robotic mowers continues to grow as the technology rapidly evolves. Brushless DC motors and gearmotors are used for the cutting blades and drive wheels and ElectroCraft offers the ideal solution in terms of physical size and torque-density. The RP, RPX, LRPX series motor families, along with the MP, MPP and MPS series gearmotor families provide the speed, power and efficiency that is required for this demanding application.

Let us know about your motion control project requirements

For OEMs, frustrated with the requirement to design around off-the-shelf products from inflexible suppliers, ElectroCraft offers customizable product families and access to our deep engineering resources. We pride ourselves in providing a best-in-class design experience, resulting in motor and motion systems that provide superior quality, reliability and performance at the lowest possible cost-of ownership.